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Hilary Cheung



  "Violinist - Hilary Cheung" is written from the perspective of the pianist/creator of Musicarpet. It's subjective, so please no hard feelings.

  • She's not the typical Hong Kong girl who fusses over everything while produces next to nothing.  Behaves more like a man, responsible, generous, quick on her feet and fingers (texting and communication).

  • Still, she's a woman, so clearly a handful to deal with.

  • Tries hard to improve herself, is decent but not the best at music performance. At least she tries.

  • Tries too hard sometimes and becomes too aggressive, and that makes people feel uneasy (mainly me because I don't know about others).

  • She started learning piano first, got screwed up by a shitty teacher so she couldn't play at a respectable performance level. 

  • That didn't deter her from pursuing her music dream. As a late violin beginner (already in adulthood), she learnt from the mistakes in the past, and blossomed into a decent violinist, well enough to make her living as a musician. 

  • Her past experience makes her a good teacher, having been through the wrongs and now knowing what's right. I know that because I accompany her students often =D

  • We have the same surname, but we're not blood related.

  • We become music partners as we both place music at a very high priority in life. I love music, so that's important.

  • I witnessed her growth as a musician for much of her violin years. She didn't have the best upbringing. She endured difficult situations in life through grit and grind. Now she seems to be reaping her rewards. I tip my hat to her for that.

  • Nobody knows what the future lies ahead, but as I'm typing this out, we should be maintaining our partnership and giving demonstration videos of exams and stuff.

  • I feel uneasy writing too much about others (consider me a narcissist lol) so I will stop writing. 

  • If you are interested in her and would like to contact her (for music reasons), here is her personal contact:

Whatsapp: +852 60529682


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Hilary Cheung​ 個人簡介


  • 非一般港女,挨得玩得拉得,鐘意廣交朋友。對人慷慨(可能只限朋友),未至於大方得體,起碼口果句係心果句,唔係黃蜂尾後針。人對佢好,佢對人更好。

  • 始終都係女人,講野不停口,打字不停手。

  • 落力做好每件事。好唔好就見仁見智,唔怕蝕底甚至不求回報,香港地買少見少。

  • 落力過頭,有時付出同收獲不成正比,睇見就可惜。

  • 佢拉琴夠落力,未必係好好,但會努力想進步。可惜呢個世界好多野唔係淨係努力就得。

  • 除咗自身條件限制,音樂生涯亦遇人不淑。初學鋼琴時,長時間跟不濟既"老師"上堂,浪費咗最重要既學習時段。

  • 到大個後(已成年),選擇學拉小提琴,有咗之前嘅經驗,識得點學先至最好。去到現在呢一刻,總算學有所成,拉琴見得下小場面。

  • 而家教小提琴揾食仲撈得好似幾好添!事實係教得幾好,因為我有份做伴奏~

  • 我選擇同Hilary做拍當,係因為佢同我都有想玩好音樂呢個心。佢唔係最叻,我都唔係最勁,但音樂對我地倆個嚟講,係生命中不可或缺嘅一部份。尤其睇見啲人揾食行先,音樂冇哂靈魂(雖則自己啲片都冇),喺香港地要毋忘初衷,做番自己真係好難。

  • 佢既小提琴生涯裡,大部份都係我幫佢伴奏/演出,我見證著佢進步。縱使佢成長過程唔係最理想,佢肯挨肯搏,撐到今時今日,終於開始享受到自己努力嘅成果。

  • 如無意外,我地應該會繼續合作拍片做示範表演。

  • 如果你對佢本人有興趣而想聯絡佢 (I mean揾佢學琴),呢個係佢私人contact:


Whatsapp: +852 60529682


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